
HFT is the governance token for the Hashflow protocol as well as the Hashverse, Hashflow’s gamified DAO and governance platform. It will be an ERC-20 token deployed on Ethereum mainnet.

At genesis, the total HFT supply will be 1,000,000,000 (one billion tokens).

What is the utility of HFT?

Governance: Hashflow governance will follow a vote-escrow (ve) token model where voting rights are determined based on the amount of HFT staked as well as the duration for which HFT is locked. Staking tokens will grant users the right to vote and manage the future of the protocol. This includes decisions relating to protocol fees, marketing, and code development – Hashflow will be run by its community.

In-DAO Health & Rewards: The Hashverse is the first-ever storyverse-driven, gamified DAO and governance platform. Staked tokens will be used to determine users’ health metrics within the Hashverse. Users must continuously adjust the amount and duration of their staked tokens in order to maintain their health within the Hashverse, as a way to increase engagement and actual usage. The protocol will continue to reward the most active members of the community and their Hashverse presence will play a major role in redeeming these rewards.

Last updated